From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Tricks with Asset Manager

Tricks with Asset Manager

- [Instructor] One feature that's been around for a while but may not get the respect it needs is the asset manager. Found in the folder assets.xeassets, the asset manager organizes assets. Most of us have run into this for images and everybody has to use the app icon here, but that's just one thing you can do with assets. There's a whole lot more. Let's look at images and two more, colors and data. Many of you already know how to quickly add images to the asset folder, but let me quickly review. Before you add the image, you change the filenames to specify the size. In the assets folder, in the download, you'll find a folder named images. Notice I added 2x and 3x to some of these images. By appending this to the filename, Xcode can figure out what are the 1x, 2x and 3x images. I can select all of these and drag them into assets and everything organizes including the name of the file. You notice I have one warning here and that happens to be an extra French toast which I'm going to…
