From the course: iOS Development Tips

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UICollectionView layout

UICollectionView layout

- [Instructor] Collection views became a lot more flexible with changes to iOS 13 and 14. This week I want to show you the flexibility of this list. The exercise file has a list collectionView which I added some extra data for more cells from the last time. And so we got a lot more data to play with today. And you can see where I did that right here. And you can see essentially how to deal with this is, I just appended more items to the snapshot and then applied the snapshot. Now that's all you needed to do here. And it's very easy. What we can do though is start changing some of the other things about this list that can make things interesting. So I'm going to go up here to the cell registration to start with. And you can begin to make some changes, for example, to your content. And to handle content, there's a bunch of properties that can be used. So right underneath where I have a content text and content images…
