From the course: iOS Development Tips

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UICollectionView lists

UICollectionView lists

- [Instructor] Starting in iOS 13, and now in iOS 14, there's been a lot of changes to UI collection view, which might make you think twice about using a UI list view again. Layouts and diffable data sources change the code and the game for a single item, vertical list. If you download the exercise file, you'll find the start of a code to build a list. Now I made some arrays, and one for sections, and one for rows. And, added a collection view to the view as you can see right up here. Now there's three parts to display a list. There's a data source, a layout and a content. Layout describe how the cells will lay out. For standard configurations like a table you can use some general boiler plate code. So we'll just do this real quick, is let layout equal UI collection view compositional layout. And then to a dot and then list, since you're going to be using a list. And see here, that's got using.…
