From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Unicode characters

Unicode characters

- [Narrator] There's times when you want special characters like emojis, accents, and symbols in your strings. This week, we'll talk about using Unicode characters in Swift strings. Open the exercise file. You'll find a project which we'll use for this. It's pretty much just a label that I hooked up to a big display of what I want to show on a phone. So what we're going to do here is first of all, I want you to hit control command space bar to bring up some things you may have seen before, and that is the character viewer. There's two versions of the character viewer. You'll see one like the one I have here, but you'll see there's a little button on the side there. I'm going to click that one so you get the bigger version of this, and it's got lots of different pieces to it. On top, you'll see another button with a gear, and I'm going to go ahead and hit the customized list here, and you'll see you get a whole category of symbols. You can now put that on the end column here of things…
