From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Use Dark Mode on storyboards

Use Dark Mode on storyboards

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Use Dark Mode on storyboards

- [Instructor] One big change in iOS 13 is Dark Mode. All platforms will support Dark Mode and you'll have to get your app ready for Dark Mode. Fortunately Xcode 11 makes that a lot easier. If you take a look at the exercise file, you'll see a storyboard, a simple app. Xcode makes it easy to check how Dark Mode looks in preview. Click the View as button on the bottom. You'll see that Xcode added an interface style set of buttons here between device and orientation. Right there you'll find the Dark Mode button and you'll find the interface changes to Dark Mode. Sort of. But it's a mess. The biggest problem with Dark Mode is how you set colors and this is a big legacy problem. So I'm going to clean up my storyboard a little bit, so I just go the attributes here and my preview control, so I'm going to go ahead and shut this down. And put that there. And for the moment, I'm also going to turn off the layout rectangles. Now see how tap a button label here has a black background. That's a…
