From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Use the Xcode 9 simulators

Use the Xcode 9 simulators

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Use the Xcode 9 simulators

- [Instructor] One very welcome change to Xcode 9 is the revamped simulators. Let's look at some of the new features and issues with the new simulators. I like to preload my simulators before running apps in Xcode. You'll need Xcode running and showing in the dock. Right-click Xcode in the dock, go to Open Developer Tool, and Simulator. I have an iPhone X launched. Yours may be different. I usually add this to my dock with Keep in Dock for easy prelaunch. You can add more devices by going to Hardware, Device, and select a device group. I'll add an iPad Pro 9.7 inch. Try again with an iPhone SE. You can also add an Apple TV or Apple Watch to the simulator the same way. Click and hold on the dark bezel of the iPad. Drag, and the tablet drags to a position wherever you want. Click on a corner of the bezel and you can then scale it to exactly the size you want. Slide and arrange everything to what works for you. You can also automatically scale by going to Window, Scale, and picking which…
