From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Use Xcode Git repositories

Use Xcode Git repositories

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Use Xcode Git repositories

- [Instructor] In Xcode 9, Apple made some significant changes concerning repositories in GitHub. So, I'm going to explore repositories in Xcode and how to move them directly to GitHub without using the GitHub website or desktop application. Not everyone understands Git and GitHub. If you want to learn more, check out the course Learning Git and GitHub. I'm going to gloss over that topic here. We'll start with a new Xcode project. Before we do, head over to Preferences and Source Control and make sure that Source Control is enabled. Close Preferences. Head to File, New, Project. We'll pick an iOS project of Game, since there's already usable SpriteKit code there. If you're not familiar with SpriteKit code, don't worry. I'll walk you through what changes we'll make. Click Next. For a project name, call it RepoDemo. Set your team, organization name, and organization identifier as you usually would. Set the language to Swift, and we're going to use SpriteKit for the game technology. Go…
