From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Using property lists

Using property lists

- [Tutor] To keep persistent settings around, you need property lists, often called plists, you as a developer can store some small amounts of data, usually settings in a property list and read it in your code, when you need it. In IOS 11, the codable protocol made plists even easier, if you've seen the earlier tips video on reading and writing JSON, this will look familiar. Download the PropertyList and open it, I added some photo and color assets for you and set up the storyboard to have a photo on it. We'll set the photo and color of the background using the plist in Assets, you'll see the already created info.plist, that contains many settings for the project, we'll make our own by going to File, New, File. In the IOS templates, scroll down to the Resource section, you'll find a Property List, select that and hit Next, name the Property List Backgrounds, make sure you're in the correct Group and Create the file, you'll get a blank Property List. To add an item, point your mouse to…
