From the course: Is There A Book In You? Learn to Create Your Own Masterpiece

Plan your book

- Some people start with a character. They can see the character, they figure out who the character is, what's the character going to do. Some people start with an idea. For me, it's always the idea. It's my curiosity that takes me to an idea. I research and then the characters come. For a lot of people, it's the character, and then the story comes. It doesn't matter. There's no right or wrong way. You have to figure out what works for you. The reason I plot out my novels is because I have found if I don't, I end up going off on tangents, and then I have to bend 20,000 words because the story went one way, and actually, I couldn't really get it back on track. And one of the most important things I learned in my creative writing course was plotting your story is actually really helpful. And certainly for your first book, I would highly recommend that you plot it out because it will save you a lot of time going down dead ends. Again, it's up to you. You've got to figure out what what works for you, but certainly for your first book, I would highly recommend that you plot out the book. Just chapter by chapter. Literally, all you have to do is write like one or two lines, what's going to happen in this chapter, what's going to happen in this chapter. There might be some blanks, don't worry about it. But as long as you have an idea of where the story is going, I think that's really helpful for your first book anyway.
