From the course: Making Recruiters Come to You with J.T. O'Donnell

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Post-interview techniques that impress recruiters

Post-interview techniques that impress recruiters

From the course: Making Recruiters Come to You with J.T. O'Donnell

Post-interview techniques that impress recruiters

- Okay, it's time to follow up with that recruiter, and I need you to understand something: you are not the priority. As we go into this thank you note, you need to realize they are a very busy person. They're working with dozens of candidates on dozens of jobs. You're just one person. And I get it, it's hard. A day, a week feels like a month of waiting for you, but you need to understand a week feels like a day to them. So it's really important that we're patient in our follow-up process. I also need you to understand that this thank you note that I'm going to teach you to write is about giving thanks only. One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is they write an epic novel telling them how great they are recapping what they said in the interview really trying to sell themselves. This is not the time to sell. This is the time to give thanks. So with that in mind, let's look at a framework to do that. So, what I…
