From the course: Java EE 7: Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

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Initial EJB and project setup

Initial EJB and project setup

- [Instructor] In order to work with the example code we'll explore for the rest of this course, we need to set up a base and we'll work on this is in this video. If you already have NetBeans and GlassFish installed and are ready to get going with Beans, feel free to skip this video. So, the first thing we're going to do is validate that we have JDK installed on our system or the latest version of Java. So, the way to do this is to bring up our terminal. In this case, I'm going to bring up Git Bash. Feel free to bring up your own terminal on Mac or the Windows PowerShell. What I'm going to do is java -version. If I see something here, that means I have java installed. If you don't see anything in this terminal window, feel free to go ahead and install the JDK. So, you're going to need it in order to actually work with NetBeans and beans in this course. Once you have that, head up to This is where we are going to install the NetBeans IDE and all the files that we need to…
