From the course: Java EE 7: Web Services

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Decide which service to use

Decide which service to use - Java EE Tutorial

From the course: Java EE 7: Web Services

Decide which service to use

- [Instructor] JAX-RS versus JAX-WS. REST versus SOAP. This is an ongoing topic of discussion in the community. There are proponents on both sides, with very strong points. Let's take a look at a few of the points, but ultimately, you have to decide what works best for your use case. JAX-RS is easier to create, and is easier for many types of clients to consume. JAX-WS makes it easier to support the web service messaging set of protocols, which provide standards for security and reliability. JAX-RS provides loose coupling, evolving the server is easier without breaking existing clients. Scalability, start small and grow big. And architectural simplicity, use of off-the-shelf components. JAX-WS is more suitable for enterprise web services, where interoperability, that is the seamless and automatic connections from one software application to another, heavy use of transactions, message delivery, better security and reliability, are needed. JAX-RS is used a lot for web integration, and…
