From the course: Java Profiling

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Overview of garbage collection (GC)

Overview of garbage collection (GC) - Java Tutorial

From the course: Java Profiling

Overview of garbage collection (GC)

- [Instructor] This section is on the overview of Garbage collection and the JVM. By the end of this session, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of GC and it's importance in the Java world. So what is garbage collection? Garbage collection or GC is an automatic memory management process in the Java virtual machine. It plays a crucial role in freeing up memory occupied by objects that are no longer needed by our applications. By automatically identifying and removing unreferenced objects, GC reclaims memory resources preventing memory leaks and related errors. So why is GC important? Well, it eliminates the need for manual memory management making Java a memory safe language. With GC, we don't have to worry about de-locating memory ourselves. This enhance the stability and reliability of our Java applications as GC takes care of freeing up memory when it's no longer needed. So how does garbage collection…
