From the course: Jira: Basic Administration

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Navigating the admin area

Navigating the admin area - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Jira: Basic Administration

Navigating the admin area

- [Narrator] Next, let's discuss the sections of the Jira administration area. You'll need application admin permissions to access these settings. Here are the steps to access the application admin area in Jira Cloud. First, log into Jira with an application administrator account. Next, click the cog or gear icon at the top right. The menu contains links to the different admin areas. Click the user management option to add or manage users and groups. Click the billing option to go to the billing portal at For settings related to the entire application, click the system option. There are a few additional application settings in the products option, too. Click the projects option to see all existing projects and create new ones. The issues option contains all the settings related to issue configuration. This is the admin area where you're likely to spend the most of your time. Go here to manage…
