From the course: Jira: Basic Administration

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(light upbeat music) - [Instructor] Were you able to copy an existing workflow and change it? Admins are often asked to make small changes to existing workflows, and starting from a copy is an easy way to do it. Here are the steps. We'll use Jira Cloud in this example. First, go to the admin area for all Workflows. Then copy the TEST project's workflow. Give the new workflow a name and change or remove the previous description. Now there's a new inactive workflow to modify. First click the Edit link to change the status, change the Step Name and the Linked Status fields. Next, click one of the global Selected for Development transitions and click the Edit button on the top right. All we need to do is change the transition's name. The transition is already pointed to the correct destination step. We're done editing this transition, so click the workflow's name to return to it. Next go to Diagram mode, which is…
