From the course: Jira: Basic Administration

Who is this course for? - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Jira: Basic Administration

Who is this course for?

- [Instructor] This course helps new Jira administrators get started, solve common problems, and fulfill requests so you can support growth and change in your organization. You may be a full-time Jira admin, a part-time admin with an additional job, an end user who was granted admin access, or the admin of multiple applications at the same time. This course includes the top five things every Jira administrator needs to know so you can get started quickly. Once you've learned the basics, I invite you to join me for a more in-depth look at Jira administration and additional area-specific courses. If you're new to Jira, I recommend starting with my Learning Jira course to understand your end user's experience. There's one course for cloud and another for server and data center. Next, take Learning Jira Software, which focuses on development-specific features like backlogs, sprints, versions, and more. Once you have a good understanding of Jira capabilities, take this basic course and then the advanced course. If you're new to application administration, here's the learning path I'd follow. After this course, take Jira Advanced Administration. The advanced course dives deeper into the configuration areas used most. If you have Jira service management, my admin course shows how to configure requests, queues, service level agreements, and a knowledge base so your organization can support internal and external customers. And finally, if you have Confluence, I created an admin course to help configure that application too. In all courses, my goal is not just for you to understand the settings, but to be able to make smart decisions when creating or changing them. Knowing the best way to solve a problem and how it will impact your application in the future is the difference between a good administrator and a great one.
