From the course: Jonah Berger on Viral Marketing

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Having an online and offline strategy

Having an online and offline strategy

From the course: Jonah Berger on Viral Marketing

Having an online and offline strategy

- We've talked about the value of word of mouth and why it's much more effective than traditional advertising. But now let's turn to how to get it. How do we get people talking about our stuff and how can we use that to help our own products and ideas catch on? When most of us think about word of mouth, we tend to think about online. Things like Facebook, things like Twitter, other social media sites. But if you had to guess, what percent out a hundred of all word of mouth is online? Take a second to think of a number. Got it in mind? Well I think the answer will surprise you. I bet many of you were guessing something like 50%, 60%, maybe even 70%. But the answer is seven, only 7% of word of mouth is online. And that's much lower than most of us might think. Indeed, that number's getting higher every year, and, indeed, online channels like Facebook and Twitter have changed the way people communicate. But one…
