From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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Six Sigma: Control

Six Sigma: Control

- Control is the most important step in the DMAIC methodology. Now that's a pretty bold statement, so let me tell you why this is so. Control is what enables you to have a continuous improvement organization, and every successful company today is continuously improving. In the control phase, you make the improvement permanent. You put in place tools and procedures to ensure your solution is maintained and the change is everlasting. In doing so, you have now established a new process, and a new baseline for performance, and you are ready to improve that new process again. Because successful companies follow a continuous improvement philosophy, the control step connects the Six Sigma program with all other company efforts and quality management, engineering, and process improvement. The controls you put into place do not have to be elaborate at all. Many times they are something as simple as a supervisor's checklist or monthly review meetings. If it is a change in standard operating…
