From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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Six Sigma: Improve

Six Sigma: Improve

- It's one thing to create a product, but the real sweet spot is improving upon your work time and time again. This is the heart of any Six Sigma project, the improve step. Everything done so far in the DMAIC method, define, measure, and analyze, has led you to your ultimate goal, improve the process. Your job here is to implement a change that will resolve the problem and improve the performance measure. There are two major tools used in the improve stage of a Six Sigma project, brainstorming and communicating. Based on your analysis, the project team must first generate a list of possible solutions to the problem. Brainstorming techniques have been proven to be very successful in finding innovative solutions that are not immediately obvious to the team. Before the team can arrive at a proposal, they must spend some quality time simply gathering ideas. After a set of ideas is collected, each idea is then evaluated one by one until the most favorable solution is determined. It's…
