From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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Six Sigma: Measure

Six Sigma: Measure

- If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. You may have heard this quote before or some version of it, A recognized expert in performance improvement, Dr. H. James Harrington is certainly speaking directly to the Six Sigma goals of improving and controlling the process. You want to understand two aspects of measurement here, what to measure and how to measure. To do this, you first must know what questions you want to answer. This will determine what type of data you need to collect. And the measure step of DMAIC is all about the data. Where is it? Who can help you find it? How do you make sure the data is accurate? You need to determine in advance what data you need and how to get it. A good approach here is the classical mathematical expression, Y is a function of X. What is the input you need, X, to determine the output you're looking for, Y. To determine the throughput of a machine in your factory, you might need to know such things as utilization rate, yield…
