From the course: Lean Six Sigma Foundations

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Why Lean Six Sigma?

Why Lean Six Sigma?

- If you do what you always did, you get what you always got. What better reason to always be improving? This saying is from an engineering textbook, and it explains why we do Lean Six Sigma, we want to do things differently, so we get better results. Lean Six Sigma is the application of Lean principles and Six Sigma methodology at the same time. Now that may seem rather simplistic, but it's a very important concept to grasp. There actually is not a specific Lean Six Sigma methodology or model or set of principles. Few companies have people who are experts in both Lean and Six Sigma. How Lean Six Sigma is applied is up to you. You combine leans tools for reducing cycle time for example, and need more emphasis on six sigma. The problem itself and your desired results will determine the proper mix of skills. The use of Lean and Six Sigma and combination has in most cases evolve naturally. Here's an example of what I mean. Let's say you are a first tier supplier to a major manufacturing…
