From the course: Learning Art Direction

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Receiving feedback

Receiving feedback

- Now for the other side, which is receiving critiques. This is much more difficult because you have less power and are seemingly less in control, but I have to tell you that you do have some power, and you are in control. You have total control over how you respond. Rather than focusing on how the critique is delivered, their tone of voice, try to focus on how you respond, that is, even if the client or the art director or the boss is being a total jerk, don't let that be the story. Let the story be how you handled it. So the first and most important thing to remember to do is listen, with a capital L. In fact, all the letters should be capital letters, it's that important. There will be time to defend your decisions and explain them. You've been living with the work for a while, you know why you did what you did. This is their turn. Let them speak and work out their feelings before jumping in with yours. They may even talk themselves into it, it's happened. Take notes while they're…
