From the course: Learning Articulate Rise

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Add image or gallery blocks

Add image or gallery blocks

- [Instructor] Just as there are number of different layouts to choose from when inserting a text block as we already have, there are a number of other blocks that come with their own varieties of layouts as well. We're going to explore a very popular one in this movie, the image block. Still working in our Overview Lesson, we've added a single block, a text block using Paragraph with Heading. Now we're going to add an image block. If we go down to the blocks down below and choose Image, it will be added to the bottom of our page. In other words, we'll create the stacking blocks in the order that we add them. However, if you wanted to insert the image block ahead of an existing block like our text block here, we could go up to the border right around the center, when you hover over it, you'll see a sort of plus sign and clicking here allows us to insert a new block but ahead of the existing block. We want a new image block after. So we could go down here to Image, clicking this will…
