From the course: Learning Articulate Rise

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Localize with translation and labels

Localize with translation and labels

From the course: Learning Articulate Rise

Localize with translation and labels

- [Instructor] For some people, it's important to have a course in multiple languages and Rise 360 makes it easy to do just that. You can create a course in one language, have it translated and even translate the labels and buttons you see when navigating through a course quickly and easily. That's what we're going to talk about in this movie. With our Hansel and Petal new franchisee orientation project let's go up to preview. Clicking this is going to show us our course in its current language, which is English. You can see the title at the top. There are buttons and labels in English as well. So we have both content and buttons and labels showing up in the same language. Let's go back to the edit button now and give it a click. Let's say we need to have a version of this course in French. Well in that case, we can go up to settings, go to translations first, and you'll see the steps necessary to create a duplicate version of your existing course in a different language. It means…
