From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

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Create a database

Create a database

- Maybe you already want to query some data on the ADX cluster, but whoops! Looks like the query functionality is still disabled on the cluster. So, what can we do about it? Well, first thing to do is creating a database or maybe several databases based on the sharding design pattern. We will dive deeper in that later. So, here we have one option to create a database and there we have the second option, simply by clicking the create database button simply by clicking the create database button and specify the retention policy and the cache period. In a nutshell, the retention policy means the number of days when it's guaranteed that this data when it's guaranteed that this data is available for querying. And here we have the cache period that is going to make sure that the data will be available on the SSD based cache for querying. on the SSD based cache for querying. So, now I think it's the right moment to…
