From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

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Deploy with the Azure portal

Deploy with the Azure portal - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

Deploy with the Azure portal

- [Instructor] Before we actually deploy it, we should take a quick look at the naming conventions area because you probably know that service instances that we have already deployed cannot be renamed afterwards. To do this, we take a look at the documentation for the recommended abbreviations for Azure resource types. And we drill down to the Analytics and IoT area, we will find the recommended shortcut for Azure Data Explorer clusters, namely dec. You can see here, unlike other service types, no hyphen or minus is recommended here as this is unfortunately not supported by ADX. If you intend to play the last groove of the record with ADX, then it is advisable to take a closer look at the restriction documentation for the Azure service, especially the documentation for Azure Data Explorer. If you can no longer find the forest for the trees here, we recommend using the browser search. I can barely find it manually and…
