From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

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Encrypt data

Encrypt data

- In this video, I want to give you some insights about data encryption on ADX. So, if I pretend to create a new ADX cluster, I want to show you one of the first and most interesting features in terms of data encryption. You can find it here within the security tab. It's called double encryption and what it means, well, let me put it this way. We have two different ways of data encryption. Number one is encrypting the data on the ADX cluster level. Plus, we have some sort of infrastructure encryption. That means the storage under the hood of ADX is encrypted based on a different key. So, when you have a situation that one key was hacked by an intruder, you can rely on the fact that it's only one encryption that needs to be hacked. And, what's also interesting here, if you take another look at this information bubble, it says after it was enabled, it cannot be later disabled. This is giving us the hint that, under the hood…
