From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

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Monitoring ADX clusters

Monitoring ADX clusters - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

Monitoring ADX clusters

- [Instructor] In this video I want to give you an overview about the monitoring capabilities of Azure Data Explorer. So, actually what we do on ADX when it comes to monitoring is using pretty much the same functionality like we do it every time when it comes to monitoring platform services on Azure. First of all, sometimes it makes sense to take a look at the health history of that particular service, which this particular instance is built on top of. So, this one looks good for now, so now let's dive a little more into the details. So, what do you think, what's the most important tool or service when it comes to monitoring a platform as a service just like ADX? Well, in this case, it's Azure Application Insights, like we have it here. And Application Insights is working based on diagnostic settings that are specified here that has a data collection feature up and running. And in this case it's collecting data from ADX, and…
