From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

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Reading in data

Reading in data

- [Instructor] If you want to ingest some data, of course, it makes sense to have some data to play with. And here we are on the website of NOAA, which is going to provide a Storm Events Database being able to ingest into our ADX cluster to have some data to play with. So if you want to finally ingest some data into the ADX cluster, the documentation of Microsoft says we have two different options how to do that. Option number one is doing it with a wizard based on a graphical user interface and option number two says doing it with a command in the ADX query portal. So first of all, I want to show you how to do this with a command to wrap your head around what's happening under the hood, but of course, we will take a look at both options during this particular course. So first of all, we're going to have to create a table and then ingest the data into the table. And this particular table needs to have a certain…
