From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

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Syntax and the most important commands

Syntax and the most important commands - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

Syntax and the most important commands

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to give you a brief overview about the most important commands and queries using KQL to help you wrapping your head around it, because, of course, KQL is big enough as a topic to spend months with it and never see everything. But you got to start at some point, so here we are with the most important commands of KQL. Number one is just drawing a sample, because some of those tables, like the availabilityResults table, can be very large. And sometimes you just want to get an overview about the structure of a certain table or a tuple. In this case, you want to just take a sample of the data, which causes only low latency when it comes to actually process this query, and it really makes sense here to get an overview about the data structure. The second example is also pretty simple. It's about filtering records based on a certain parameter or attribute or column. In this case, it's the…
