From the course: Learning Azure Data Explorer

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What is Kusto?

What is Kusto?

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to tell you a little bit of KQL. So what is KQL actually? Actually, it really looks and feels like pretty much of a clash between SQL and PowerShell. It's pretty much like a mixture. You can use logical operators, like and or et cetera; You can use pipes for connecting certain commands, you can use comments, and you can do lots of stuff more. And if you are familiar with the shortcut KQL, you maybe think of Microsoft SharePoint, but this is a little misleading here because there is something that is called the keyword query language in SharePoint. And of course in this course, it's not about SharePoint. So forget about SharePoint when you hear of KQL. In this case, it's about Kusto. So it's the more compelling expression here. And yeah, what we do is performing queries, doing Kusto Query Language. And of course, it's going to answer with a certain response. And this is going to vary,…
