From the course: Learning Canva

Canva designs and templates - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Learning Canva

Canva designs and templates

When you need to design anything, if you don't already have the vision or an example for how you want to go about this design, it can be overwhelming to start with a blank slate. That's why Canva is such an amazing tool because no matter what you're creating whether it's a social media graphic, a brochure, a resume, a magazine. They have samples and templates you can use for anything and everything. You can even take their full template and plug in your own content and have your creation complete within minutes. In this video, you'll learn how to utilize all of the designs and templates that Canva has to offer. From the Canva homepage, you'll see that you can create a design using many of their pre-made templates. When you click "browse all", you can see all of their designs and templates that you can choose from. From personal, educational, marketing, events, really, the sky is the limit. Now, if they don't have the exact design template that you need, you can also create one with custom dimensions, and you can choose your width and height through pixels, or inches, millimeters, centimeters, especially if you know that this is the design that you needed to be printed within these certain dimensions. It's simple to use custom dimensions right here. Just for this example, let's look at a postcard, which is five and a half by four point three inches, but then if you go down to an Instagram post, this one is measured in pixels. It's measured differently depending on its use, because typically a postcard you're going to print and an Instagram post is going to be for digital. So, for this example, let's click the postcard and see what Canva has to offer for these designs. As you can see on the side here, there are so many designs that you can just pop in and use and what you want to look for is that it says "free" on the bottom corner. If you keep scrolling, you'll see ones that might have a little bit of a cost to it, but it's so fun to just be able to pop this right in and use their exact template. You can just, if you like to, you can change the image in the background, you can change the, the text so that it's customized to whatever your project is. Now in this example, for a postcard, there's a front and backside which, if you want to have two sides printed, you click "add a new page" and put the back in there. Now you can customize this to whatever your project is. If you want to change, for example, if you want to change the text, "Hello!" (laughs) You can highlight that and change the color. You can have your own branding colors in here or you can choose any color, anything that you want. You can change the font. Canva makes it so simple that you can just use any of their designs and customize it to whatever you need. Whether it's a provided template from Canva or a project with any custom dimensions, Canva makes it simple to use their designs and templates so you can create anything you put your mind to.
