From the course: Learning Canva

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Editing images

Editing images - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Learning Canva

Editing images

- [Instructor] Canva offers hundreds and thousands of images to choose from and the option to upload your own photos with the added customizable advantage of editing photos right on the platform. When creating a specific design, you want the photo to match the feel and intention of the design. In this demonstration, you'll learn all about Canva's image editing tools that make it easy to customize your photos. So let's go into elements and choose any sort of image that we want to use. Let's just grab this one, a nice picture of a winter landscape. I'm going to expand it to fill the whole image and you can easily move it around here so that you can, if you wanted more of the hill and less of the sun or wanted the sun to be in a specific position, you can easily move it around for whatever you need. Now there are lots of other ways that you can edit this image. You can easily add text onto it, add another image on top of it. But what you could even do with this individual image is add…
