From the course: Learning Design Sprints

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Objective of day 2

Objective of day 2

- [Instructor] The second day is all about exploring further the ideas selected on day one, but also research options inside and outside of your field. In the morning, each participant will select a product and then present what's really cool about that particular product. This presentation typically lasts around three minutes each and shouldn't necessarily focus on the same type of products your company produces. As long as it is a product that inspires you and something about it is special. This exploration could lead to a few light bulb moments where you bring a new perspective never experienced with your product. With these presentations the idea is to continue documenting what you find by adding sticky notes on the board. By adding more, "how might we" notes, and other details and relations to elements presented in these demos. Needless to say, as you explore these new notes the map might evolve into something else…
