From the course: Learning Design Sprints

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Objective of day 3

Objective of day 3

- [Instructor] Day three is, by far, the most important, yet difficult day. You have to make a decision on which solution that you'll prototype and test on this print. And that's the purpose of day three, make a decision on which solution you'll prototype. So first comes a decision, and you start by posting all the ideas on the wall. This way, all the solutions are there for the team to explore and understand. For 20 to 30 minutes or so, the team needs to explore them one by one in silence and understand what is the story of the new feature, product, or service. As they do this, they add dot stickers or small post-it notes to mark the interesting parts. This is called a heat map, and starts to show areas of the solutions where people like the approach. Then the team follows with what we call a structured critique of each solution. The format goes like this. The facilitator explains the solution in details while…
