From the course: Learning Design Sprints

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The design sprint team

The design sprint team - Adobe XD Tutorial

From the course: Learning Design Sprints

The design sprint team

- [Narrator] Needless to say in order to have a successful sprint and even more important later, when comes to time to introduce the new idea to the larger team in your company, you need to have specific functional roles from your company participating in the sprint. First, you need the Decision Maker. A person who will be able to decide if the product or feature can be introduced in the company's products. Without this person in the sprint, you run the chance that all of this will be in vain. And if the person making a decision isn't available, he or she needs to assign someone who can make the call. It can be a product manager, V.P products or the CEO. You get the point. Next, you basically need experts from each functional business unit in your company. So you can get a unique perspective on the idea's been discussed. For example, you need an expert from your marketing department, technology, design, finance,…
