From the course: Learning Illustrator Draw


- [Instructor] Lets create a new project here in Draw. So we can have a look at the brushes. So I'll tap the plus down at the bottom right hand corner of the screen and then choose a format. I'm just going to choose the small postcard format here but you can choose whatever you like. You can zoom by pinching inwards with two fingers and spreading outwards like so. That's how you zoom. You can also, if it's more comfortable is draw at an angle which for most of us it really is and you can rotate that around and alike. I'll just bring mine in so I've got a decent view of it like this and we're just going to make some marks here with the various tools. I will continue using my finger at least for the outset. To begin with for the default brushes we've got this rounded brush like so and maybe you want to make a stroke across like so, there's no variation there. That's a pressure thing and at the end you've got these different terminals like so, so you can draw strokes like that. In common with many of the other brushes if you get an area that is completely enclosed, that's why I have just created around the sides there, and you long press inside it, you can see that it actually fills that which is a really useful behavior to have. Underneath that, when I choose the next brush this one has a nice tapered tip and you can see if I brush along like so, it's actually getting wider there as I go, if I just undo that, two fingers swipe to the left or use the arrow at the top of the screen. I move it quicker you can see that changes because this brush has a velocity control and it will change depending on how quickly you draw with it. Similarly if you clip an enclosed area with this a long press in the gap it will fill that as well. Like I said, pretty much the same with every brush. Underneath that, we've got sort of a more harder edged brush there, you can see we can draw with it. This is very wide this particular one here and also by default this one has some opacity like so. We'll discover all of those different controls later. We've got two brushes beneath that which are probably best for lecturing although that doesn't mean you can't draw with them. If you tap the first one, this is sort of a chisel marker here, so you can see variations there in shape create variations in the stroke. Then, you have got this one which has a terminal on the end like so, so you can create interesting marks with that. Beneath that you've got the eraser which we'll look at in a separate movie, but it's worth knowing that you can change these brushes or any of the other brush types. So for example, if I wasn't going to use this chisel brush here, I could long press on that and all of the illustrator draw brushes will appear. So, it may be that I want another basic round brush there and similarly with the terminal brush that I use very rarely, personally I might want to replace that with a basic taper brush there as well and so on. I might have other brush controls for the different ones. Some of the things I do have entirely rounded brush on them but with different other brush controls.
