From the course: Learning ITIL®

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ITIL® exam-taking strategies

ITIL® exam-taking strategies - ITIL Tutorial

From the course: Learning ITIL®

ITIL® exam-taking strategies

- [Instructor] When taking the exam, be sure to answer all questions. Guess if you must or better mark the ones you don't know for review. Skip them and go back to them later. Sometimes a question later in the exam will spark your ability to answer such questions. Note that there are no trick questions or patterns in how the answers are laid out. Don't forget to use the process of elimination. If you don't know the answer well, you can often figure it out by asking what is not the answer. Speaking of not, read questions carefully. Don't miss the word not. And if a question has a long preamble, like a paragraph before the actual question, read the question first to avoid getting distracted by the preamble and glossing over the actual question. Watch for questions with answers that are absolutes. For example, always, only, guarantees. Such strong words in many cases may eliminate them as answers as they're too exclusive.…
