From the course: Learning ITIL®

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What's different in ITIL® 4 Foundation: Part 2

What's different in ITIL® 4 Foundation: Part 2 - ITIL Tutorial

From the course: Learning ITIL®

What's different in ITIL® 4 Foundation: Part 2

- [Instructor] ITIL 4 also introduces the five-part service value system shown here. Note that ITIL v3 did cover many of these elements, but didn't package them in this way. Here again, ITIL 4 uses language updated to reflect DevOps, Lean, and Agile practices and terminology, like the service value chain versus ITIL v3 service lifecycle, which reflected more of a waterfall and less of an Agile approach. Let's have a look at some of these elements. Guiding principles are maxims that guide organizations over changing times and circumstances. Governance is how an organization is directed and controlled. The service value chain is an organization's interrelated activities that it performs to create and deliver a valuable product or service to its consumers. Practices are organizational resources designed for performing work or accomplishing an objective. Notably, practices replace the separate notions of processes and functions…
