From the course: Learning JIRA Service Desk

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Creating an SLA

Creating an SLA

- [Narrator] Next, let's create our own SLA. We're still on the SLA screen. We'll select the new metric option. Now that time to resolution SLA was good, but it was missing a few things. Let's create our own. So now we're on the SLA configuration page, within our project. We're going to call this SLA time to resolution v2. (typing) I'm going to begin counting, when the issue itself has been created. However, as we discussed before, it's not fair that the SLA hours should be counted against the agent, when we're waiting for the customer's response. So, we'll choose to pause it upon, waiting for customer. When a resolution has been set, the timer will end. However, we'll add another setting for the start timer, when the resolution has been cleared. This means that ticket gets reopened, which the workflow should clear the resolution. Then the time will begin counting again, and add to the overall SLA time. Next, we have to configure the goals. First, I'll close this window to give us a…
