From the course: Learning JIRA Service Desk

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Custom rules

Custom rules

- [Instructor] Next, we'll create a new automation rule from scratch. I'm on my automation section in my project administration page. I select add rule, and then I scroll all the way to the bottom and select custom rule. First, I'm going to select my when. By clicking the box, I have an option to add a trigger. I'll click the plus sign. Then select the dropdown. I want to make sure that I'm kept in the loop every time a new customer has been added to this ticket. What I'm going to do is select the participant added-to issue for my when trigger. After highlighting it, I click add and now I can see that I can add an additional trigger on top of this if I wanted to. What it does is group those triggers together, so that both requirements must be met for the automation to take place. We'll keep this one simple. For our if, we only want to be notified when external customers are added. We'll add the condition... usertype... and then we'll confirm it as a customer. We'll close that out…
