From the course: Learning JIRA Service Desk

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Overview of administrator features

Overview of administrator features - Jira Tutorial

From the course: Learning JIRA Service Desk

Overview of administrator features

- [Instructor] So now that you know how Service Desk works, let's go over a few of the options we'll be configuring in detail through this lesson. We're going to start by hitting the administration cog and then selecting Projects. We're going to scroll down to the Service Desk project that I've recently created and click it. This brings up the projects administration panel. Now, if you're used to looking at a projects admin page, this should immediately seem a little different to you. First off, on the far left side there's four new options that you may not be used to. Raise a request allows you to internally access the customer portal to file tickets. This is useful for QA or if you're actually internally filing tickets. The next option, Knowledge base, allows you to connect a confluence space to your knowledge base, provided you have a confluence connected to your instance. If you do not have confluence connected you may not see this option. Customer channels gives you a quick…
