From the course: Learning Minitab (version Minitab 17)

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Variation plots

Variation plots

- [Voiceover] In this movie, I will show you how to create variation plots using Minitab. Open exercise 02-05, these two vendors are supposed to deliver within 24 hours. They both report the mean average time as 23 hours. Sounds good? Well, why are you still receiving late deliveries? So we have to go beyond just one number, the mean let's plot the data. And various plots are available to us to display variation, these plots are the dot plot, the histogram, and the box plot. Let's begin with a dot plot. Go up to graph, dot plot since our data is in two columns, we'll select multiple, multiple y's, simple and select those two, and okay. There you have it, dot plot, showing the vast differences in variation between the two vendors. Even though they both average 23 hours, I would rather have delivery from vendor B than from A, who is so inconsistent. So let's create the histogram. To do that go up to graph, histogram, simple. And graph those two, A and B. Since we have multiple graphs…
