From the course: Learning PCB Design with EAGLE

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Incorporate names and values

Incorporate names and values - Eagle Tutorial

From the course: Learning PCB Design with EAGLE

Incorporate names and values

- [Instructor] Okay, I'm going to get my view centered up here with this little magnifying glass with a rectangle in it. That'll give us a nice zoom into all the figures were working with. So this is our schematic view. All of our parts are placed, and right now they just have default labels associated with them. So LSP1 doesn't mean anything to you or me. The next stage will be to re-label these so that they have information that's actually useful to us. And that information tends to come in two flavors. So there's the name, that just describes what the component is or does, and then there's also the value in some cases. Now the only component that we have in this particular circuit that is polar is the LED, and that means that electricity can only flow through it in one direction. And this little schematic symbol points towards ground. So we'll be establishing ground on the right-hand side, and power on this side. So electricity will flow from left to right. So if we know power's…
