From the course: Learning PLC Ladder Logic: 1 The Basics

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Programming concept

Programming concept

- [Instructor] Ladder logic is used to develop software for Programmable Logic Controllers, PLC, that are used in industrial control applications. So devices are connected to the input and output module within PLC and according to the software, controlling industrial applications happen. The name ladder logic programming came from the fact that the program at the end looks similar to a ladder with different instructions and rungs. PLC ladder logic programming basics begin in making a clear distinction between input and output within the program itself. In PLC ladder logic, generally speaking, inputs are written on the left side of the ladder logic. Outputs are on the right side. You will learn later in the course that not all inputs and outputs are necessarily connected to a physical device, but for simplicity let's assume so for now. The left and right rails indicate the positive and the ground of the power supply. Electrical current flows from left to right. The logic is read as…
