From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

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Distinguish PPC, SEO, and programmatic

Distinguish PPC, SEO, and programmatic - Google Ads Tutorial

From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

Distinguish PPC, SEO, and programmatic

- [Instructor] SEO and PPC are like the symbols for yin and yang. They are closely related marketing channels that could help your business grow faster. Today's lesson will help you understand if you should focus on SEO or PPC for your business. One has you investing your time into it and the other has you investing your money. PBC has you primarily invest in your money, as you need to invest your money each month to have your ads shown. SEO, or search engine optimization, since you're not spending money each month, you permanently invest your time when working on an SEO for your business. Search engine optimization or SEO is when your site ranks organically or naturally on Google's search engine result page. This means a brand did not pay Google or other search engines to show up on this page. Let's say I did a Google search for a bike store Montreal. I know the SEO listing here for spent a lot of time…
