From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

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How to do keyword research

How to do keyword research - Google Ads Tutorial

From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

How to do keyword research

- [Instructor] Have you ever wondered what keywords you should be using with your PPC ads? I used to be curious about this myself when I first started running PPC ads. Picking the right keywords to bid on can make the difference with seeing success with PPC ads. Let's define what a keyword is. For PPC ads, a keyword is a set of words that users put into a Google search box to find what they're looking for online. Let's say I wanted to buy myself a new bike to get to work. I might type in "commuter bike" into Google. In this case "commuter bike" would be my keyword for this search. Google shows an ad based on keywords, your bid, and who's doing the search. Google runs these through their secret sauce and pick who should show up. Having the keywords you are bidding on in the title and description of your ad means people are more likely to click on your ad. Let's say I'm going camping, and it's going to be a bit cold…
