From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

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Keyword organization

Keyword organization

- [Narrator] Do you know that organizing your keywords can help you save money? We're going to show you how organization can be your secret weapon for PPC ads. The first step is understanding your audience. It's important to understand who you're going to target with your keywords, that way you can write better ad copy that attracts people to click on your ad, come to your website, and make a purchase. Let's say your business sells bamboo pajamas and you have the following list of keywords. You pick these keywords because you felt they were keywords customers would use to find her business online. Some of the keywords might be bamboo PJ's, bamboo pajamas, Canada bamboo PJ's. Now, how would you group these keywords, so you can write better ad copy? Well, let's look at a couple examples. You first might group the keywords by gender. So, you might have a set of keywords according to men and women's. So, men bamboo…
