From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

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PPC campaign goals

PPC campaign goals

- [Instructor] What does success look like for your business? Being able to answer that question will help you with your PPC marketing by letting you know what goals to track. Every business has a success metric they look at. You now need to translate that over to your PPC ads. It's okay to have more than one goal; you just have to be sure you can track and measure that goal and understand if your business is being successful with hitting your target. When you set up a campaign in Google Ads, you can pick from different goals. The first one is a sales goal. So this can usually apply to businesses that have a transactional action on their site, like they're selling a product or service. Common industries for a sales goal is e-commerce or direct to consumer brands. The next goal is a lead goal. So if you're in a business to business environment or you sell insurance, you probably want to capture a lead to get people's…
