From the course: Learning PPC with Google Ads

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PPC campaign settings

PPC campaign settings

- [Instructor] Your campaign settings in Google Ads, are like picking the settings on your oven when you're going to bake a cake. Picking the right oven settings can have your cake turn out perfect versus slightly under cooked. Campaign settings in Google Ads are the same way. The right campaign settings can help your PPC ads be more successful and show it to the right people. Let's go into your Google Ads account and look at some of the different campaign settings you can pick right now. When you go into Google Ads account the first thing you want to do is click on a campaign name that you want to see the settings for. Then in the second sidebar, what you want to do is go down to settings and click on that. And once you reach the campaign settings for this campaign in this case, we're going to have a brand campaign, you also want to click on additional settings. The first setting in your campaign is the name of your…
